collection of traditional American-style original marches
has been a work in progress over the past 12 years. This
goes back to my days as an Arranger/Composer for the United
States Army Band (Pershing's Own) in Washington, DC. That's
when two of the marches in this collection were written.
The others were written between 2002 and 2006. In this collection
I have tried to write marches that have their roots solidly
in the established marches of the last century, but with
a modern flare and style to highlight the sound of today's
bands. Some of them are written to mimic the style of certain
well-known march composers of the past. Others are written
in the style of my symphonic marches, but scored to be playable
by Concert Band or Marching Band. And still others take
my established march writing style into new directions.
I hope that this collection of marches will find a place
in the repertoire of today's military, university, community,
High School and Middle School bands, and be enjoyed by audiences
throughout the land. This body of work is lovingly dedicated
to my son, James Alexander Hosay, who is
now serving in the Army's 82nd Airborne Division, currently
stationed in northern Iraq. We all pray for his safe return
and the safe return of all U.S. troops serving abroad. |
OF VICTORY was written around 1994 for the retirement ceremony
of an
out-going Army Chief Of Staff. I have re-dedicated the march to
my favorite military hero,
General George C. Marshall. He was U.S. Army Chief
of Staff during World War Two, and
then went on to serve as U.S. Secretary Of State. This march has
become part of Pershing's
Own's standard repertoire, and I have received numerous requests
for the score and parts to
this march, which has up until now remained unpublished. However,
this new version of the
march has been re-arranged to be a little easier and more "outdoor
friendly" than the original,
signature version, still played by the U.S. Army Band and Herald
Trumpets. Sorry folks, but
some things ARE sacred, and the Army Band's signature version of
this march will remain as such.
Sample MP3
FILLMORE STANDARD is dedicated to and written in the style
of the great and
famous American march composer, Henry Fillmore.
His marches are some of the most played
and beloved marches of all time. His melodies are noble and flowing,
his orchestrations superb,
and as far as I know, he never wrote a bad or mediocre march. He
is in my opinion, the overall
greatest march composer of them all.
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AMONG US was inspired by the events of September 11, 2001,
particularly the
courage and dedication shown by the Firemen, Policemen, and rescue
workers of the City of
New York in their response to the tragedy. The opening strains of
the march are in 6/8 meter,
with a heroic mood, while the Trio strain is lyrical and reflective
and changes to a 2/4 meter.
FOUNDING FATHERS takes us back to our country's beginnings. Commissioned
by the
Williamsburg Consort, under the direction of Sally Craig, this march
features sounds of a
Colonial-style fife and drums corps. With bold brass figures intertwined,
this march pays tribute
to those who founded our nation and shaped our democracy.
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SONS AND DAUGHTERS is a heart-felt gift to the families
and loved ones of those
who have given the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq, both American and
Iraqi, in the struggle to bring
peace and stability to that country. The march starts out in a minor
key, changing to major at the
2nd strain. The form is that of a standard Quick March, except that
the key modulates up a minor
third halfway through the Trio strain. This is a device that has
a very up-lifting effect and I have
used it in other marches as well.
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AND SPECTACLE is inspired by and pays tribute to the Olympic
Games. Every
two years we all look forward to the "Thrill of victory and
agony of defeat" one becomes a part of
when witnessing the winter and summer Olympics. The high level of
athletic competition and the
incredible pageantry of the opening and closing ceremonies combine
to make memories that
are never forgotten. The opening strains of this march are descriptive
of the strength, agility and
skill of the world-class athletes as they strive for immortality.
The noble and flowing Trio strain
represents the dignity, camaraderie, sportsmanship and international
goodwill displayed during
this grand and awe-inspiring event.
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OF THE SKY is the second of the two marches written while
I was with The
United States Army Band (Pershing's Own). During the Gulf War, the
62nd Air Defense Artillery
was one of the U.S. Army units receiving notoriety for their deployment
of the Patriot Missile as
a defense against enemy rocket fire into populated areas. The great
success of that defense
system and the soldiers who operated it became a memorable part
of that conflict. When asked
by representatives of the 62nd Air Defense Artillery if I would
write an official march for their
unit, I jumped at the opportunity and quickly penned these strains.
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SOUSA is written in the style of and dedicated to - well
if you don't know
then you have probably never heard a march, or even heard of the
word march, because that word
and Sousa are almost one in the same. Even though I may be able
to imitate his style, I, nor
anyone else could ever match his accomplishments and level of notoriety
as a march composer
and American icon. Just about everyone in the world has heard the
rousing strains of The Stars
And Stripes Forever, and just about every American has heard many
of his other famous
marches as well. No musician in this country or in many others can
truthfully say that they have
never performed a Sousa march. John Philip Sousa
is nothing less than legendary. So here's
to you, Mr. Sousa, Sir. I hope it does you justice.
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WITH FULL HONORS was written quite recently as
a flashback to my service with
Pershing's Own. One of the daily duties of that
great band is to lay to rest those who have
served in our Armed Forces and earned the right to a full-honors
burial at Arlington National
Cemetery. During this time-honored ritual, the band escorts
the deceased from the Chapel at
the entrance to the cemetery to their final resting place. A 21-gun
salute is rendered by a riffle
squad, Taps is played by a bugler in the distance, and the national
colors are presented to the
closest living relative. Each of these elements of the ceremony
are represented in this solemn
and reflective march to pay homage to those who have served our
country with honor,
dedication and sacrifice.
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THE KING'S HORSES is the grand finale Circus March.
A "Circus March to end all
Circus Marches? Well, we'll see - hopefully I didn't go too over-the-top.
But what else can you
do if you are paying tribute to the greatest Circus March composer
of all time?! I'm speaking of
course, about Karl King, the boy who "Ran
away to join the Circus" - really! This genius of a
composer was almost completely self-taught, yet his mastery of the
Circus March is unmatched.
The sheer inventiveness of his melodies, counter-melodies and accompaniment
elements, and
the way they all fit together like a perfect puzzle is astounding.
When you study a Karl King
march score, you peer into the mind of an absolute musical genius,
who's work is incredibly
artistic as well as entertaining. No one else could write a march
that shows off a band's
technical prowess and dramatic flare like King.
He, more than anyone else has earned the title - American
March King!
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FATHERS takes us back to our country's beginnings. Commissioned
by the Williamsburg Consort under the direction of Sally Craig,
this march features sounds of a Colonial style fife and drum corps.
With soft brass figures intertwined, this march pays tribute to
those who founded our nation and shaped our democracy.
Sample MP3
TWO-STAR PACKAGE (All Brass Quintet Sets)
THREE-STAR PACKAGE (All Concert / Marching Band Sets)
FOUR-STAR PACKAGE (All Concert / Marching Band Sets)
All Marches scored for Concert/Marching Band or
Brass Quintet with Opt. Drumset *
Order Now!